High School Science and Bible
Libertas Science & Bible Classes
Open to all independent study high school students!
Libertas Preparatory School at Trinity Classical Academy is thrilled to offer two outstanding High School level science courses based on the Science curriculum developed by Dr. Dennis Englin at the Master's University. Both courses will be held on the Trinity Classical Academy campus and will be taught from a Biblical worldview perspective by qualified Trinity instructors.These science courses are a great opportunity for both students who may pursue further higher-level science courses as well as students coming in at the introductory level and desire science knowledge and credit.
Biology, Grades 9-12
(Wednesday 2:00-3:10pm), Room 104
This course covers all topics outlined in the California Standards for secondary level Biology instruction. It is designed to prepare students for further studies in Biology at the collegiate level, and to give a background for everyday life concerns and decisions in our technological age. Topics include: biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, genetic expression through transcription and translation (protein synthesis), genetic engineering, ecology, biological classification and biological origins. The laboratory component includes use of a microscope and the study of various life forms.
Chemistry, Grades 9-12
(Mondays 2:00-3:10pm), Room 104
Physics is the study of energy and motion of the physical world around us. It includes the study of motion (position, dimensions, velocity and acceleration) in a straight line and in circles, gravity, work, machines’ power, heat energy, sound light, electricity, magnetism, and radioactivity. The laboratory includes the use of objects to illustrate the mechanics that govern the universe.
The total fee for each course is $615 for students enrolled in Libertas Preparatory School, $645 for non-enrolled students.
Class size is limited and priority will be given to those who pre-register. Cost includes class texts. Uniforms are required for the class.
To learn more or to receive a link to register for our classes, please contact the Libertas Coordinator, Susan Todd at stodd@trinityclassicalacademy.com